I recently discovered FFAStrans, and for the most part it functions the way I expected it to.
However, there is an issue which really hampers my usage of the program: When using the Command Executor, it doesn't spawn a console window where I can check wether the command has been issued properly. Not even when the checkbox has been enabled.
What I'm trying to do is rewrap an .mxf file which has been generated with FFMPEG (and thus OP-1a) to an .mxf type RDD9 (so it can be copied to XDCam disks), using bmxtranswrap (http://sourceforge.net/projects/bmxlib/).
The line I use for the Command executor is the following:
Code: Select all
"\\path\to\bmx\bmxtranswrap.exe" -o %original_path%/Rewrap/%original_name%_TEST.mxf -t rdd9 %source%
Is there anything I can do to make a console window spawn, or might I have encountered a bug?