Maybe a feature useful

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Maybe a feature useful

Post by momocampo »

Hello Steinar and all

I wonder if a feature will be possible. I explain : I have a workflow named "Watch encode". In this one I have several type of encode with several monitor folder. Work perfectly but in the monitor status I can't know which monitor folder is in progress or success, I have only the name of workflow.
The solution could be leave only one monitor folder by workflow but in this case I will have a lot of workflow.
Maybe I could create a folder with all my encode workflow?
If you have idea it will be kind :)

Last question for Steinar, is it better to have 1 workflow with for example 5 monitor folder or 5 workflows with 1 monitor folder in each?

Thank you very much !

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Re: Maybe a feature useful

Post by admin »

Having lost of workflows is not that uncommon. You can arrange them in different folders and all nodes can be renamed to whatever you like and you will see that name during processing. But when you have only one workflow for all your workflows, you will have a hard time distinguishing jobs from each other.

Now, 5 workflows vs. 1 workflows with 5 monitors really depends on your workflows. It's not one clear answer. I have several workflows that have several monitors and several workflows with only one or two monitors. But FFAStrans has ONE limitation that can tell you something of what you aught to do in some circumstances: Only ONE monitor is processing at a time pr. workflow. So if you have 5 monitors, the second monitor must wait for the first to finnish scanning for new files. So if you're scanning VERY large directories with subfolders, or scanning a slow FTP, that might take som time and the other monitors sits and do nothing until the first is finished. Then it's the second monitors turn, and so on. Normally you might only have a few thousand files to monitor pr. monitor so it won't be a problem. But in the case you DO have very large folders to scan, I would suggest you put them in a separate workflow.

Hope this clarify.

Posts: 595
Joined: Thu Jun 08, 2017 12:36 pm
Location: France-Paris

Re: Maybe a feature useful

Post by momocampo »

Hey, really really interested answer, thanks. I understand even new things and it's good :).
Ok so I know what is the best process to organize my workflow, thank you very much Steinar!
I just have to work now and make it :)
Another perfect explanation ;)

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