Conditionals and Aspect Ratios

Questions and answers on how to get the most out of FFAStrans
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Conditionals and Aspect Ratios

Post by dvdboy »


I've been using Telestream Vantage for the couple of years and wanted to see what I could do using FFMPEG, so started to look at FFAStrans.

I've started by creating a 'simple workflow' with to folder monitors - one looking at a folder called "16x9" and the other looking at a folder called "4x3", with each folder then populating a variable.

I then have a pair of conditional processors, which check the value of the variable, with each connected to a custom ffmpeg processor, with fixed scale filters to create either a 4x3 or 16x9 dimensioned image (640x360 vs 640x480). I'll try and update with a screengrab of the workflow, but my FFAStrans test machine does not have internet access.

Two questions / observations:
  • I seem to get 'conditional errors' in my job status window when the condition is not met, so when 4x3=16x9. How do I set these like an 'ignore' action in Vantage?
  • Even though I am specifying the width and height in the ffmpeg custom command line, the files are still reading 16:9 display aspect in MediaInfo. Is this being set automatically, and if so, how do I disable it.
Many Thanks for your help and creating such a fantastic tool!
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Re: Conditionals and Aspect Ratios

Post by admin »

Hi dvdboy, very long time no hear...;-)

If you enable "Dispel job instance on false/failed outcome" then the job instance will just stop there as if nothing happened. You will not get the error message. A bit like ignore in Vantage.

For the aspect problem You should add " -aspect 1:1" in your command since you already have the correct scaled aspect. This should solve ffmpeg autoinserting the aspect from the source input. This is not a FFAStrans feature/failure ;-)

Hope this helps :-)

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Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2014 1:52 pm

Re: Conditionals and Aspect Ratios

Post by dvdboy »

Haha, didn't realise it had been quite *that* long since my first / previous post!!

That helps a lot, thankyou steinar.
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