combine multiple files

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combine multiple files

Post by pandadnap »

Hi steinar,

I read these two posts learnt how to generate XML and trim video base on in, out point.

Is there a way to stitch/combine multiple XMLs and generate single video file?

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Re: combine multiple files

Post by admin »

Hi Panda, there is always a way ;-)

But it's not straight foreward and it really depends on your scenario. Is it always 2 files that needs to be combine or can there be several? Do you know what files to combine based on just one monitored file? FFAStrans cannot create one jobs from two different files. Do you utilize the API to submit jobs?

Posts: 19
Joined: Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:58 am

Re: combine multiple files

Post by pandadnap »

Hi steinar,

That's true, there's always a way! :D

Allow me to give more details on what i want to do.
The video content that i handle, usually, have blacks, bars and tone, slate, commercial breaks etc... i have segment information stored in a system for all my content. (Segment information means in point, out point and duration of the parts that needed/on-air)
What i want to do is to remove all these blacks, slate etc non-transmittable stuff. So i am thinking is it possible to make use of the XML, let FFAStrans to combine multiple segments into one video.

For example. the source file like this
09:59:00:00 Bars and Tone > 09:30:00:00 Black > 09:40:00:00 slate > 10:00:00:00 Seg1 > 10:05:00:00 Commercial break 1 > 10:05:45:00 Seg 2 >10:09:00:00(seg2 end)
I just need the output take Seg 1 and Seg 2, combine into one output file.

Answer your question
Is it always 2 files that needs to be combine - yes and no. Yes is i may combine segments from different source file. No is because, usually it is like the scenario describe above, multiple segments from one source file, but one source file may have more than two segments.
Do you know what files to combine based on just one monitored file? - Yes.
Do you utilize the API to submit jobs? - No. didnt have chance to use the API since I do not have programming background. I am trying to avoid any scripting. :roll:

Thank you very much!
best regards,
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