Looking at these file names, there is no naming convention and thus it's very difficult to predict what the video and the adherent audio files are called. This spells trouble, or at least it's very difficult du automate. Unless there is some other metadata in a f.ex. a sidecar file like xml, and without creating a very specialized node for this task, I don't see how you can pull of that stunt in an completely automated fashion.
You can of course try and make very targeted workflows for particular names. If the names are recurring, but with only the episode and date changed, you could move audio and video to another destination and have the names washed by FFAStrans. F.ex. strip the name and use the predicted names like "HOMMES" and "COURTE", add the current date and place them in another folder that can take the new name from f.ex. the video file, wait for the audio file and merge the two. Now, this would be all but flexible and highly volatile but it might work for your particular case.
But in my opinion, the most foolproof solution would be to have the file names washed by a human so that audio and video has the same file name but with different extensions of course.
Put together?
Re: Put together?
Ok thanks a lot Steinar. You're right, I must find a way to have same names for .mov ans .wav(I think it's possbile).
Anyway, in case of I succeed, can you help me to find the good ffmpeg custom command please?
I tried in custom ffmpeg command : "video.mov -i audio.wav vcodec copy acodec copy" --> error message
""<path>video.mov" -i "<path>audio.wav" vcodec copy acodec copy" --> error
%s_original_name% - i "<path>audio.wav" -c:v copy -c:a copy -->error.
Anyway, I don't succeed to assemble the 2 good files even with a simple command
Anyway, in case of I succeed, can you help me to find the good ffmpeg custom command please?
I tried in custom ffmpeg command : "video.mov -i audio.wav vcodec copy acodec copy" --> error message
""<path>video.mov" -i "<path>audio.wav" vcodec copy acodec copy" --> error
%s_original_name% - i "<path>audio.wav" -c:v copy -c:a copy -->error.
Anyway, I don't succeed to assemble the 2 good files even with a simple command

Re: Put together?
-i "Full\Path\To\audio.wav" -map 0:v -map 1:a -c copy
Don't insert the file that has been picked up by FFAStrans, only the file you want to add.
Don't insert the file that has been picked up by FFAStrans, only the file you want to add.
Re: Put together?
Ok thank you very much, it works. Yes, no need to insert the file source.
I just have to think a lot to find a solution.
Thanks again guys and cheers
Ok thank you very much, it works. Yes, no need to insert the file source.
I just have to think a lot to find a solution.
Thanks again guys and cheers

Re: Put together?
Hi Benjamin,
I think you should start either by renaming your files or by re-organising your Watchfolder. In any case you have to give the name of the resulting file manually. Example (I choose .AVI in the second example to make it more clear):
renaming files:
Video file : GROSSES_TETES_2209_BA_DEM.mov / Audio File : Les grosses tetes 22-09 DEM.wav ->
Video file : Les grosses tetes_2209.mov / Audio File :Les grosses tetes_2209.mov.wav
V: USGS_EP20_210918_BA_CS.mov / A: USGS BA EP20 21-09 CS.wav ->
V: USGS_EP20_210918.mov / A: USGS_EP20_210918.wav
As said, only examples. You can choose any name windows supports. Now with this you can populate your watchfolder with same name for A/V-Files. The trick is to use the %s_original_name%-variable (%s_original_name%.*) in the custom ffmpeg-node-workflow
Re-organising watchfolder:
Have an working-folder outside your watchfolder or inside the watchfolder but excluded from the pick-up-node ("deny folders").
In this working folder you put all your files:
Les grosses tetes 22-09 DEM.wav
USGS BA EP20 21-09 CS.wav
Sommaire 13-09 Jeudi.wav
Trois hommes 19-09 COURTE DEM.wav
Then you add new folders to your working-Folder; Give unique folder-names corresponding to the Filmclips you want to combine. Example:
Grosses Tetes
Trois Hommes
Now you put the files in their corresponding folders:
Grosses Tetes
Les grosses tetes 22-09 DEM.wav
USGS BA EP20 21-09 CS.wav
Sommaire 13-09 Jeudi.wav
Trois Hommes
Trois hommes 19-09 COURTE DEM.wav
The trick is to use the %s_original_path~n%-variable ( %s_original_path~n%.*) in the custom ffmpeg-node-workflow.
Hope this helps...
I think you should start either by renaming your files or by re-organising your Watchfolder. In any case you have to give the name of the resulting file manually. Example (I choose .AVI in the second example to make it more clear):
renaming files:
Video file : GROSSES_TETES_2209_BA_DEM.mov / Audio File : Les grosses tetes 22-09 DEM.wav ->
Video file : Les grosses tetes_2209.mov / Audio File :Les grosses tetes_2209.mov.wav
V: USGS_EP20_210918_BA_CS.mov / A: USGS BA EP20 21-09 CS.wav ->
V: USGS_EP20_210918.mov / A: USGS_EP20_210918.wav
As said, only examples. You can choose any name windows supports. Now with this you can populate your watchfolder with same name for A/V-Files. The trick is to use the %s_original_name%-variable (%s_original_name%.*) in the custom ffmpeg-node-workflow
Re-organising watchfolder:
Have an working-folder outside your watchfolder or inside the watchfolder but excluded from the pick-up-node ("deny folders").
In this working folder you put all your files:
Les grosses tetes 22-09 DEM.wav
USGS BA EP20 21-09 CS.wav
Sommaire 13-09 Jeudi.wav
Trois hommes 19-09 COURTE DEM.wav
Then you add new folders to your working-Folder; Give unique folder-names corresponding to the Filmclips you want to combine. Example:
Grosses Tetes
Trois Hommes
Now you put the files in their corresponding folders:
Grosses Tetes
Les grosses tetes 22-09 DEM.wav
USGS BA EP20 21-09 CS.wav
Sommaire 13-09 Jeudi.wav
Trois Hommes
Trois hommes 19-09 COURTE DEM.wav
The trick is to use the %s_original_path~n%-variable ( %s_original_path~n%.*) in the custom ffmpeg-node-workflow.
Hope this helps...
Re: Put together?
Hello Thomas,
First, really thanks to your help, it's always a good thing to have others points of view
Second, your method is not bad at all, to be honest I have already think but I'm looking for a more automatic method. Your idea is a human choose the 2 files and push it into other folder to be assemble (if I well understand).
I would like the 2 good files (the good video file and the good audio file) will choose automatically and copy to other folder to be assemble. Yes not easy and more, I have several and several different names for filmclip
Anyway, in a first time I have to find how assemble 2 files (it's ok I have the good ffmpeg command and it works). Second, I need to sort the files to isolate the 2 good files : I wonder if a software which can analyse files name could be find, I could sort my files by common name parts.
Maybe it will be easiest to ask sound engineer use same name than mov files....
Then, as you said, create different folder with filmclip names and push them automatically into.
Here is my idea but I need to find the better way.
Thanks again Thomas
First, really thanks to your help, it's always a good thing to have others points of view

Second, your method is not bad at all, to be honest I have already think but I'm looking for a more automatic method. Your idea is a human choose the 2 files and push it into other folder to be assemble (if I well understand).
I would like the 2 good files (the good video file and the good audio file) will choose automatically and copy to other folder to be assemble. Yes not easy and more, I have several and several different names for filmclip

Anyway, in a first time I have to find how assemble 2 files (it's ok I have the good ffmpeg command and it works). Second, I need to sort the files to isolate the 2 good files : I wonder if a software which can analyse files name could be find, I could sort my files by common name parts.
Maybe it will be easiest to ask sound engineer use same name than mov files....
Then, as you said, create different folder with filmclip names and push them automatically into.
Here is my idea but I need to find the better way.
Thanks again Thomas

Re: Put together?
Hi Benjamin,
maybe you can use FFprobe for this. If the Files do have the same Date and Time-stamp and the same duration. check all the files in the watchfolder for unique metadata for the events filmed and recorded. Create logs automatically using FFprobe. Make FFAStrans look for accordance in the logs and make FFAStrans copy the according files in a Subfolder for further processing. The rest should be like in my last post.
Hope you get the idea...
maybe you can use FFprobe for this. If the Files do have the same Date and Time-stamp and the same duration. check all the files in the watchfolder for unique metadata for the events filmed and recorded. Create logs automatically using FFprobe. Make FFAStrans look for accordance in the logs and make FFAStrans copy the according files in a Subfolder for further processing. The rest should be like in my last post.
Hope you get the idea...
Re: Put together?
Hello Tom,
Well, it seems very clever as process, well done. I think this idea can help me for other processes too.
Thank you very much for the help, I really appreciate !
Well, it seems very clever as process, well done. I think this idea can help me for other processes too.
Thank you very much for the help, I really appreciate !