this webinterface is an officially supported part of ffastrans, overview here: ... binterface
Note that i will keep on editing this very forum thread whenever there is some new release.
Latest Version: ...
[Instructional Videos]
Screenshot: [Features]
-) Job Details view
-) Job Scheduler
-) Submit Jobs by upload or server file browsers, along with userinput from webui to a user_variable of the workflow
-) Log viewer with highligting of useful information
-) User authentification and permissions
[Upgrade instructions]
If you already have a configuration, backup the file %installdir%\database\config
-) shutdown the current webinterface windows service or stop the application
-) Default way of upgrading: you just need to unzip and replace the server.exe file from the new release .zip! I'll try to addd a release note in case i know that any new release is not upgradeable this way.
[Usage instructions]
After starting the server.exe, you should be able to access localhost:3002 in your browser and see the jobs from your ffastrans engine.
[Configuration - ffastrans]
You need to enable the API web service, it is turned off by default when "not running as windows service". In the FFASTrans workflow Manager, go to Options->Host->Web REST Service->"Run as application" OR "Install as windows service"
To enable log viewing of workflows, open ffastrans workflow manager and right-click a workflow:
Properties->Special->Log to files->Enable
[Configuration - Webinterface]
Check out the Admin settings (topmost clog symbol on the left)
[Authentification and User Rights]
You can enable password authentification on the admin page. You can only "reset" a password of a user by deleting and re-creating them.
By default, i created an "admin" user (password: admin) that is member of the Administrators group which has all menu items.
On the user manager page, the flow is like:
-) create a group first and select the group by clicking on it in the group list
-) drag&drop permissions from left to right to add permissions to the group
-) create a user, select the user in the top left grid
-) drag&drop a group from left to right to add groups to that user
[Start workflow instructions]
Workflows can be started by either uploading a file (it will be added to the file list automatically), by hitting the "Add Source" btn top right or by browsing for a file and doubleclick it. TIPP: you can add a URL to e.g. an rtsp stream using the "Add Source" Button.
After you have one or more files in the list top right, you can hit the "Start Workflow" btn (also top right )
When adding a Source manually, take care that ffastrans is able to access the path as you enter it.
NOTE!! Please let me know if you are using the upload feature, it does cost a lot of efforts and i am not sure if it is helpful anyway.
[Job Submission with additional Variables]
Check out the Wiki on how to generate nice looking "Form" that allows users to fill in additional information like emails etc..
[File upload instructions]
Uploaded Files through the webinterface go to the folder you configured in the Upload Path you entered on admin page (default: c:\temp)
NOTE: make sure your workflow deletes processed files, or have some maintenance routine clear old files in that directory.
Job Scheduling instructions
There is a new menu item, you will need to modify your administrators usergroup to see the menu item Scheduler.
There are many purposes when you need scheduled jobs, a small doc is contained on the job scheduling page. More to come...
To get started without scripting knowledge, please set this as your script content:
Code: Select all