The problem is Premiere applies this on import, with no way of turning it off, and this leads to proxies not matching the raw footage...
However with testing I realise that natively ffmpeg applies this rotation when exporting to a format that doesn't support the flag (unless the flag is set to 90° instead of 180° in which case I get an error which is annoying).
FFastrans on the other hand completely ignores this it seems? Is there a way to apply the rotation to the export? I realise there is a flip effect (which only flips horizontally or vertically) and %i_rotation% variable but what should it be looking for? This is what mediainfo says in the original file:
Rotation : 90°
Checking the logs of my conditional nodes I'm confused why it's saying the rotation is 0:
Code: Select all
1st evaluation of \"%i_rotation% = 90\" is \"0 = 90\""}},
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Code: Select all
"Megapixels":8.3,"AvgBitrate":"212 Mbps","Rotation":90}]},
Code: Select all
displaymatrix: rotation of -90.00 degrees\r\n Stream #0:1(und): Audio: