I have created a workflow, using AviSynth custom script and Audio Extraction processor whith following purpose:
1. take source WAV file containing 8 audio tracks
2. extract tracks 1,2 and 8
3. increase volume of track 8 by +3dB and add it to tracks 1 and 2
4. convert to stereo MP3 file
AviSynth script is as follows:
If the size of source 8 track WAV file is above 2GB, then the operation in AviSnyth fails to create the audio file corectly: Odd audiotrack (A1) is correct, but Even audiotrack (A2) is incomplete (audio ends up earlier). See the screenshot from AudaCity attached.A1=GetChannel(m_clip, 1)
A2=GetChannel(m_clip, 2)
A8=GetChannel(m_clip, 8)
AD=AmplifydB(A8, 3)
Odd=MixAudio(A1, AD)
Even=MixAudio(A2, AD)
m_clip=MergeChannels(Odd, Even)
Return m_clip
To confirm that the issue is caussed by AviSynth I've set up the Audio Extraction processor into Stream Copy mode.
Any idea what is wrong?