I'm trying to create using the Custom FFMPEG. (I got it to work via A/V Media -> Timecode -> H.264, but the Custom FFMPEG runs at 8-10x realtime, while this chain runs at 1.8x RT and time is a factor.)
My current Custom FFMPEG line is:
Code: Select all
-filter_complex "[0:1][0:2] amerge" -preset ultrafast -vf scale=960:540:in_range=tv:out_range=pc,"drawtext=\timecode='00\:00\:00\:00':timecode_rate=25:x=(w-tw)/2:y=h-(2*lh):fontcolor=white@1:fontsize=30:box=1:boxcolor=black@0.6" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 27 -c:a aac -ar 48000 -b:a 128k
Code: Select all
Other #1
ID : 1-Material
Type : Time code
Format : MXF TC
Frame rate : 25.000 FPS
Time code of first frame : 10:00:00:00
Time code of last frame : 10:02:34:20
Time code settings : Material Package
Time code, stripped : Yes
Title : Timecode
Other #2
ID : 0-Source
Type : Time code
Format : MXF TC
Frame rate : 25.000 FPS
Time code of first frame : 10:00:00:00
Time code of last frame : 10:02:34:20
Time code settings : Source Package
Time code, stripped : Yes
Other #3
Type : Time code
Format : SMPTE TC
Muxing mode : SDTI
Frame rate : 25.000 FPS
Time code of first frame : 10:00:00:00
Thanks and sorry if this question is not valid on this forum (it's more FFMPEG than FFASTrans really). Feel free to delete this post.