Watchfolder not working

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Watchfolder not working

Post by seePyou »

Hello all,

I'm a returning user and I'm trying to create and test a workflow for normalization.
Before that though, I'm trying to setup a watchfolder, which doesn't seem to want to work. Here is how they are setup, here is a file in the watchfolder and the monitor showing nothing happening for over an hour.

Submitting a file (the one in the watchfolder) also does nothing.

Any thoughts on what I can check?
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Re: Watchfolder not working

Post by admin »

Hi seePyou,

My eyes might fool me but it looks like a semi colon instead of a colon: S;\ as opposed to S:\.
Can you please confirm?
Other wise it looks like a clean installation without and previous settings standing in your way. In that case the monitor should pick up the files. But your workflow will not do what you want cause you miss the AV Decoder before the "Normalize" filter and you have no encoder before the "Folder" output.

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Re: Watchfolder not working

Post by seePyou »

Thank you, I have copy pasted the S:\ from Windows Explorer just to make sure. Saved the workflow and I'm waiting.
Thanks for the help on how to work with normalize, I will amend that, but for now I want to see if the watchfolder will pick something up, even if it leads to an error in processing.
Or will it just NOT do anything because I do not have those parts in the workflow?
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Re: Watchfolder not working

Post by admin »

Well. hopfully you will soon see an error when the filter is trying to apply normalizing to a non decoded source.

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Re: Watchfolder not working

Post by seePyou »

Still nothing. How can I troubleshoot this?
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Re: Watchfolder not working

Post by admin »

Maybe you can just zip the whole \Processors\db folder and post it, so that we can take a look at the complete set of config and logs? I guess it's not very big.

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Re: Watchfolder not working

Post by seePyou »

Sure, here it is ... sp=sharing

For troubleshooting, this is still not working, after a computer reboot and a wait of a lot of time. The application is working as the web based monitoring is functioning.
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Re: Watchfolder not working

Post by admin »

Ok, so I see you're running as service now. Does the service account have access the files on the share? Normally, if you just use the default local service user, it don't have access to UNC paths or the mapped S:. Please stop the service and enable as application again with your own user to see if the files are picked up.

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Re: Watchfolder not working

Post by seePyou »

Service is now running as the account I used to setup S: and with which I see UNC paths. It will not pick up the file in S: not even after a reset of the workflow, and a removal and reintroduction of the file in S:

I'm starting to feel bad...
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Re: Watchfolder not working

Post by emcodem »

You need to realize that S:\ only exists for the "currently logged in user session". Background services always have their own "windows session", which means even if you use the same credentials for the service as you use for logging in to windows, the service will NEVER see any "mapped network drive letter".

What you should do s to set your watchfolder to the full UNC path instead of "S:\"

You map \\server\share\folder to S:\
In this case, you need to set the monitor to watch on \\server\share\folder instead of S:\

This will work in both scenarios, when running ffastrans as user and when running as background service with the same user credentials.
emcodem, wrapping since 2009 you got the rhyme?
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