I'm trying to extract all audio tracks from MP4 file.
I know that this video has 8 audio tracks with 2 channels on each.
I'd like to extract them all in separate files.
I've did this: https://prnt.sc/rbfdks
First - sorry, I am afraid I can´t help you but...
I´ve tried your settings and in fact it is funny when you uncheck "Skip Naming Convention" The Option "Total Channels" first greys out and when re-opening the Node the box is empty like in the picture in your Link above [ I checked in Version ].
So I have to check my workflows with this node again to see if there is something unecpected...
Just my litle test:
I replaced the processors.a3x with the above version. I tried several encoding-options in the AudioExtraction-Node but most of my test returned Error-Messages. The only Format that worked with my test was an WAV-input. I tried with the test files from here: https://www2.iis.fraunhofer.de/AAC/multichannel.html
so you can cross-check my experience. I also added the respective Log (I hope this is the right one this time... )
I did not have troubles using this Node as I only used WAV-Files as input so far.
The input formats and their audio layout should not really matter as long as it's valid and readable by ffmpeg. However, "Same as source" may not always work when you go from a layout and/or format combination that's not supported by the output format. For example, if you have 192KHz audio and you select same as source on sample frequency, it will fail if the output does not support 192KHz.
I also found an anomalie in your workflow where your audio node had some illegal parameters. Don't know how they got there but just opening and saving it again fixed it. Although I DID find a bug with it so I'm sending you a new processors.a3x for you to try. But before you do, just open the node and click ok again, the save.