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Job Priority Not being considered in v1.0.2.

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 7:14 pm
by gdpodesta
After my request to add the priority to the job submission via API, I tried our idea to duplicate the job with a lower priority.
  1. Submit File1 to WorkflowPriorityNormal
  2. Submit File2 to WorkflowPriorityNormal
  3. Submit File3 to WorkflowPriorityLow
  4. Submit File4 to WorkflowPriorityLow
  5. Submit File5 to WorkflowPriorityLow
  6. Submit File6 to WorkflowPriorityLow
  7. Submit File7 to WorkflowPriorityLow
  8. Submit File8 to WorkflowPriorityNormal
  9. Submit File9 to WorkflowPriorityNormal
I expected it to process #1,2,9,10 because their Workflow Priority is "Normal", then 3,4,5,6,6 because that WF Priority is "Very Low".
It processed them in the order submitted.

Re: Job Priority Not being considered in v1.0.2.

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 10:35 pm
by momocampo
Hello gdpodesta,

Well, I must try tomorrow and I will come back to you.
But if you max active job is 9, it is normal the priority isn't be useful cause all files can be processed at the same time. I think the priority is active only for the queue jobs but I must check what I write :)

Re: Job Priority Not being considered in v1.0.2.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 10:53 am
by momocampo
Hello Gdpodesta,

Well I did a test this morning, the test must be done with watch folder cause submitted jobs are always the higher priority :
- FFastrans 1.0.2
- 2 Workflows : 1 with high priority, sleep timer set to 10 / 1 with very low priority and same sleep timer (10) --> the 2 workflows will start at the same time
- 40 files to encode in h264 and deliver : 20 files will be processed by the high priority workflow(called Jingle_annonce_X) / 20 will be processed by the very low workflow(called jingle_pub_x)
- The 2 workflows will start at the same time.
- My maximum active jobs is 8

The result is ok for me, FFAStrans has first processed to the high priority files(all files) then the others.

Re: Job Priority Not being considered in v1.0.2.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 2:14 pm
by gdpodesta
Ah...there's the answer:
submitted jobs are always the higher priority
I/we don't user watch folders, everything is submitted via scripts from various processes.
With that knowledge, I can architect something to get what I need.
Thank you good sir!

Re: Job Priority Not being considered in v1.0.2.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 3:42 pm
by momocampo
Sorry to hear you can't do what you want...
Maybe you can find a workaround or another method to submit your "old" files.

Re: Job Priority Not being considered in v1.0.2.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 4:53 pm
by gdpodesta
No, no...I DID find a way...all our production jobs are submitted with the API, thus will take priority.
The backlog of old files can be done from a Watch Folder, humming along until a production job is submitted and goes to the front of the line.

Re: Job Priority Not being considered in v1.0.2.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 5:22 pm
by admin
Hi gdpodesta,

We will provide a method for setting priority per job from the API. Right now the priority from the workflow is used when submitting files through the API. Submitting files through the FFAStrans GUI will always get highest priority.


Re: Job Priority Not being considered in v1.0.2.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 5:48 pm
by gdpodesta
Then an API-submitted job will NOT start before a Watch Folder?
I tested it using the GUI, thinking a "submitted" was the same as if "submitted" with the API.
Watching it now, but won't know if that's the case until a production file comes in sometime today.