Hi Steinar,
it's me again.
In the last days I have started 80 workflows at once.
Many workflows share the same watchfolder (80 Workflows and about 25 watchfolders).
Then I made a test with them.
I've copied files into the watchfolders of two dozen workflows at once.
Some of the workflows didn't work.
The didn't pick up the input-file.
For example 2 Workflows worked well (pickup, transcode, delivery), 2 other workflows didn't pick up the file. All 4 workflows share the same watchfolder.
When I submit a file manually on these workflows it works.
I've waited for about 15 minutes. Without change.
Generally I've seen that it takes a longer time to pick up files when a lot of workflows are running.
Which is actually absolutely ok but I'm not sure if this is a normal behaviour or I make something wrong with my configuration/workflows.
Watchfolder Pickup not working
Re: Watchfolder Pickup not working
The more workflows you put into FFAStrans the slow it will be. This is obviously obvious as it needs to do more things at the same time. You have pushed FFAStrans more than I have in my tests and that is great! It highlights bad design and it might be the case when it's pushed "to far". It SHOULD be able to deal with it though. If you could help me out by sending me your workflows so I could look into it would be great. E-mail to post@ffastrans.com
Re: Watchfolder Pickup not working
Hi Steinar,
Thanks for response. Yes of course I can send you my workflows. Great that you will look into them! I would send them to you until the end of the week if that is ok.
Thanks for response. Yes of course I can send you my workflows. Great that you will look into them! I would send them to you until the end of the week if that is ok.