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XDCAM-HD 422 MXF Custom FFMPEG issue

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 9:08 am
by vijm1972
Hi Steipal,

I am trying to transcode XDCAM-HD 422 using custom FFmpeg encoder, after conversion getting output as per attached screen shot at every 12 frames. When I processed same file through XDCAM-HD 422 encoder it's process perfectly.

1) Custom FFmpeg Output
Custom1.jpg (69.35 KiB) Viewed 10730 times
You can see pixlation.

2) Encoder_XDCAMHD
Encoder_XDCAMHD1.jpg (73.76 KiB) Viewed 10730 times
Clean picture.

I am using below custom FFmpeg command.

-s 1920x1080 -r 25 -aspect 16:9 -pix_fmt yuv422p -vcodec mpeg2video -non_linear_quant 1 -flags +ildct+ilme -top 1 -dc 10 -intra_vlc 1 -qmax 3 -lmin "1*QP2LAMBDA" -vtag xd5c -rc_max_vbv_use 1 -rc_min_vbv_use 1 -g 12 -bf 2 -b:v 50000k -minrate 50000k -maxrate 50000k -bufsize 8000k -acodec pcm_s24le -ar 48000 -map 0

Can you please suggest if i need to change any settings in above command? Or how I can get exact command which you had used while creating XDCAM-HD 422 encoder.


Re: XDCAM-HD 422 MXF Custom FFMPEG issue

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:33 am
by admin
Hi Vijay,

If you enable "Keep all job work folders on completion" option in "Workflow setup"->"Maintainance" and submit a file, FFAStrans will generate lots of logfiles in the work directory. Among those files are the output and command used to generate the XDCAM files.


Re: XDCAM-HD 422 MXF Custom FFMPEG issue

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 10:01 am
by vijm1972
Thanks Steinar!!!

I have used below command.

-f lavfi -i aevalsrc=0 -shortest -map_metadata -1 -vf fps=fps=25,format=uyvy422,setfield=tff -top 1 -flags +ildct+ilme -field_order tt -g 12 -vcodec mpeg2video -pix_fmt yuv422p -color_range 1 -color_primaries 1 -color_trc 1 -colorspace 1 -non_linear_quant 1 -dc 10 -intra_vlc 1 -q:v 2 -qmin 2 -qmax 12 -lmin "1*QP2LAMBDA" -rc_max_vbv_use 1 -rc_min_vbv_use 1 -b:v 50000000 -minrate 50000000 -maxrate 50000000 -bufsize 17825792 -rc_init_occupancy 17825792 -sc_threshold 1000000000 -bf 2 -f mxf -acodec pcm_s24le -ar 48000 -map 0

I am not able to understand below commands. Where can I get information on below?

-f lavfi -i aevalsrc=0 -shortest -rc_init_occupancy 17825792 -sc_threshold 1000000000


Re: XDCAM-HD 422 MXF Custom FFMPEG issue

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 1:26 pm
by admin
Google is (again) your friend ;-)
