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Ffastrans on Linux ?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 11:17 pm
by Laurent.madjarian
Hi and thank you for ffastrans.
Is there a way to install ffastrans on Linux ?
All the third parts are available on Linux but I can't find your source code ?
Is it free and and available ?

Re: Ffastrans on Linux ?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 10:16 am
by admin
Hi Laurent, thank you for using FFAStrans and welcome to the forum! :-)

You might get it working on linux by using Wine but I have not tried this. FFAStrans is currently closed source so it's not available for downloading. Besides, the source code would anyway only run on Windows.


Re: Ffastrans on Linux ?

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:48 pm
by wvku
FFAStrans starts fine using Wine but can't be used to configure a processor.
When pressing the bar of a processor the processor details window keeps moving when moving the mouse. As a result I can never click on a field inside the popup to change the values. I can only press Esc to dismiss the popup window.

When using PlayonMac/Linux (v4.2) I could set some display parameters, but I don't know if these will have an impact:
- GLSL Support: *default*, enabled, disabled
- Direct Draw Renderer: *default*, gdi, opengl
- Video memory size: *default*, 32, ..., 4096
- Offscreen rendering mode: *default*, fbo, backbuffer, pbuffer
- Render target mode lock: *default*, disabled, readdraw, readtex
- Multisampling: *default*, enabled, disabled
- Strict Draw Ordering: *default*, enabled, disabled

I can also set:
- Mouse warp override: *default*, enable, disable, force
I tried the variations for this one and did not seem to have effect.

Under Windows the popup seems to be drawn in a somewhat non-standard way.
Any suggestions if there's something that can be done there?

Re: Ffastrans on Linux ?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 1:49 pm
by admin
I'm not sure how to approach this issue... FFAStrans is a Windows program and it utilize normal system calls for creating the GUI. Maybe I'm using it wrong but because it works in Windows It can't be THAT wrong. I would just advise you to try different settings in your emulator and see if they have any effect.


Re: Ffastrans on Linux ?

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 9:50 am
by rholm
I know this is probably very far from where FFASTrans is, but it would be really nice if there were was a FFASTrans node software that could run on linux. Having the main system on windows makes sense, but building a server farm on linux computers also makes sense... COuld almost riun the farm on raspberry pies ;)

THanks again for fantastic software, looking forward to v0.8!

Re: Ffastrans on Linux ?

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 5:05 pm
by admin
That is actually a good idea. The nodes don't need to have graphical interface and all inter-communications with the main system is anyway based on text files. Still, it's A LOT of work and I'm not going to embark on that within current horizon.


Re: Ffastrans on Linux ?

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 12:57 am
by silicontrip
I think the biggest problem with this is FFAS's heavy reliance on AVISynth. I'm not aware of an implementation of avisynth for linux.
I did try to build a multi node setup with the mjpegtools but discovered that uncompressed y4m SD (720x576x25) video was higher than 100mbit which was my network at the time, so it was slower running on multiple nodes on a network than on a single machine, due to throughput. So you couldn't run Avisynth of the windows node and send the uncompressed frames to a processor on a linux node.

Many of the other tools that FFAS relies on are already open source and run on linux. I've taken the command line output from FFAS and used it to make an FFMPEG command that runs on linux.


Re: Ffastrans on Linux ?

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 6:34 pm
by admin
Yes, AviSynth on Linux is nonexistent so one would have to make the filters AviSynth-independent. I have been thinking of doing that but it's a long way before that's a reality.


Re: Ffastrans on Linux ?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 9:11 pm
by azz
vapoursynth would be the linux alternative to avisynth. Its cross platform as well, has many ports of existing avisynth plugins

Re: Ffastrans on Linux ?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 6:47 am
by admin
Yes, I'm aware of that. The challenge is to rewrite the whole shebang in another language. That's a LOT of work, and something I will probably never do unless someone pays a lot of money for it. So I think it's highly unlikely there will be a Linux version with the current state of FFAStrans.
