Hi Steinar,
I have to convert pdf- and eps-files to png.
Sometimes a lot of them.
The stills-encoder don't like these files.
Does it use imagemagick?
Simply installing ghostscript does not help.
As a workaround I've installed the latest imagemagick-version on all transcoding-machines and use it by the command executor in ffastrans.
It works and actually that would be enough.
But I have two questions, maybe you can help.
1. Is it generally possible in ffastrans to convert pdf- and eps-files to png (for example)?
2. If not is it possible to use the command executor by all transcoding machines when imagemagick is always installed locally with the same path and version? To ensure that all machines in the farm could process incoming files in case of failover. At the moment it does not work, I have to choose a dedicated machine for that workflow.
In general I would use the workflow with one watchfolder both for videofiles (processing by stills-encoder to benefit from scene extraction) and non-videofiles by imagemagick and command executor.
Thanks for helping.
Stills Encoder / Imagemagick
Re: Stills Encoder / Imagemagick
FFAStrans does not have an inbuilt pdf/eps to png converter. But yes, when you're using FFAStrans in a farming environment all hosts must have equal access to files and paths that is used in a workflow. If not you must limit specific nodes to specific workflows just as you have done.
Re: Stills Encoder / Imagemagick
For this and other stills processing purposes, I have dropped nConvert into a processing folder and call that on a command line. Ffastrans seems to pick up the output file for processing by a delivery node just fine, although I obviously can't guarantee this will work with all workflows.
Perhaps nConvert could be integrated as standard with a future version?
Perhaps nConvert could be integrated as standard with a future version?
Re: Stills Encoder / Imagemagick
Thanks for the insight on nConvert... I have never heard of it but I'll look into it.