Creating DVD-iso with chapters from multiple files

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Creating DVD-iso with chapters from multiple files

Post by maczkojanos »


first thing is first: thank you for this great software !

So, i cant figure out, how to create DVD-iso with chapters from multiple files, where chapter name based on filename, and dvd-label and the .iso name based on the folder, where the files resides.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Creating DVD-iso with chapters from multiple files

Post by admin »

Hi maczkojanos, thank you for using FFAStrans and welcome to the forum! :-)

The inbuilt DVD encoder node is very basic and has no advanced authoring functionality. You might be able to pull it of by using ffastrans advanced workflow capabilities and incorporate more advanced use of the shiped dvd-authoring command executable, but it will take some effort. So dependig on the level of your expertise in building advanced workflows you might be better of using a dedicated DVD-creation software for that kind of tasks.

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