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Unified Job Object

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 4:39 pm
by emcodem
Hey steinar,

as discussed, i open here a thread for dicussing a possible new unified job object (at least in the API). This time i'll not talk about boilerplate or green field but i'll take into account the current design.

Here a list of current job objects,


Code: Select all

		"item": {
			"display": "Sony.mxf",
			"guid": "20190101-170032-841-131F23D311C8",
			"host": "DESKTOP-UIFQT86",
			"localized": "D:\\Sony.mxf",
			"original": "D:\\Sony.mxf",
			"outbounds": ["enc_av_mp4 20181229-100059-462-cb5c7274c481"],
			"source": "D:\\Sony.mxf",
			"watcher_id": 20181220210008

Code: Select all

		"job_id": "20190101-165939-894-BED4019C406B",
		"job_start": "2019\/01\/01 16:59:40",
		"file": "%FILEPATH%",
		"wf_name": "sleep600",
		"splits": [{
			"steps": "2 \/ 2",
			"processor": "Hold",
			"status": "%STATUS%",
			"node": "%HOST%",
			"progress": "50"
			"steps": "2 \/ 2",
			"processor": "Hold",
			"status": "Resting workflow... (TTL:540)",
			"node": "DESKTOP-UIFQT86",
			"progress": "50"

Code: Select all

		"wf_name": "Loop_Start_Self",
		"job_start": "2018\/12\/31 16:04:52",
		"job_end": "2018\/12\/31 16:05:05",
		"file": "60690",
		"outcome": "Job aborted by: API Service@DESKTOP-UIFQT86",
		"state": 2
Now, my idea is to merge all those objects: The problem with that is that the History is basically showing one object for the "splits" in active and queued only contains basic job info but no active job info.
A combined object could look like this:

Unified job object:

Code: Select all

        "job_id": "20190101-165939-894-BED4019C406B", //from active, replaces guid from queued read comment!
	"wf_name": "sleep600",                        //from active
	"wf_id": "12345",                        	  //NEW
	"job_start": "2019\/01\/01 16:59:40",         //from active
        "job_end": "2018\/12\/31 16:05:05",           //from history
        "state": 2                                    //from history, but now indicates if job is running, queued, success, cancelled or error
        "display": "Sony.mxf",                        //from queued
        "watcher_id": 20181220210008,                 //from queued
        "outbounds": ["enc_av_mp4 20181229-100059-462-cb5c7274c481"], //from queued
        "file": "%FILEPATH%",                       //from all, replaces "source from queued",could also be moved to splits?
        "user_variables": [...]                     //NEW
        "static_variables":[...]                    //NEW
        "log_file": "%FULLPATH%"                    //NEW, could also be moved to splits, depending on future logging strategy
	"split": {                //from active but not array anymore, there is one job obj per split 
            "split_id" : "combination of split id and job guid",  //NEW
            "outcome": "%OUTCOME%", //from history
	    "steps": "2 \/ 2",      //from active
	    "processor": "Hold",    //from active
	    "status": "%STATUS%",   //from active
	    "node": "%HOST%",       //from active
	    "progress": "50"        //from active            
A major problem in my head is how splits work. It is important that the jobid is always unique. Therefore the first split should always used the original job_id that the queued job already had and all other splits that derive a copy of the first job should generate a new job_id object but also indicate what is their original job_id. Therefore the new jobid for e.g. split[1] could look like %original_guid%_splitid. (or it carries another new field called "mother_job_guid"
We could also get rid of the "split" object and move all it's fields to the root object.

Also important: all fields should always be there but have an empty value in case it is not yet known. This makes parsing a lot easier.

Sure this all might not be complete and it is a matter of discussion, also probably it will never be implemented.


Re: Unified Job Object

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 7:07 pm
by admin
Thanks for all your good advice, emcodem! :-) I'm currently working out a new ground structure for the job data model in FFAStrans. This must be in place before figuring out what goes in there but the new model will have a lot more job info which the current model lacks.


Re: Unified Job Object

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 8:50 pm
by emcodem
Hey, it would be great if you give me some insights... what are you currently looking after, is it if you want to use OOP Extender or similar? Maybe there is a way i can help you with a C++ or C# dll? :-)


Re: Unified Job Object

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 6:23 pm
by admin
The new model is very object oriented, yes. I think I'm good regarding the the internal restructuring but thanks :-) I think after a good code cleanup it's easier to see where and how one can slowly move to a more modern/mature language.
