All these functions will manipulate character strings to fit your needs. Functions can use into conditional node and populate variable node and keep the result in a variable.
There are 3 groups of functions :
Usage description : $function(input-1 = "string", input-2 = integer[, optional input-3 = "string"/integer])
$round(number to round = number/%f_variable%[, number of output decimals = integer/%i_variable%])
$roundd(number to round = number/%f_variable%)
$roundu(number to round = number/%f_variable%)
$inttotc(input integer = integer/%variable%, frames per second, float = float/%i_variable%)
$tctosec(input time code, string = “string/%variable%”, frames per second, float = float/%i_variable%)
$abs(input number= number/%variable%)
$log(input number= number/%variable%)
$random(input integer = integer/%variable%, input integer = integer/%variable%)
Usage :
$count(input string =“string/%variable%”, input string =“SEARCH/%variable%”)
$count('jack, joe, jill, jane, james, jules', 'ja')