Monitor folder error

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Monitor folder error

Post by momocampo »

I think I found a bug in the last version of FFAStrans (0.8.2).
When I drop a file in a monitor folder, if this file begin by a number no action at all. If I rename this file and remove the number int he beginning, the file is well use by FFAStrans.
Can you confirm please? (I 'm not an expert :))

Thanks ;


I edit because I think it's only when A/V media nod follow the folder monitor. Not sure. I'm really sorry for this post, it was too early to post, I must seek why I have files which don't pass and others pass.
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Re: Monitor folder error

Post by admin »

Hi momocampo,

I have never heard of this problem and I'm pretty shure that would be picked up very fast. Files beginning with a number is quite common. Also, I just tried it and I'm not able to reproduce. It might be some other characters that cause FFAStrans to miss the files. Can you please check your files for other "strange" characters and report back??

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Re: Monitor folder error

Post by momocampo »

Hello Steinar,
Thank you very much for your answer. Well, I tested different think (watch folder to encode) or just folder monitor to delivery (so just a copy file) and I have some files don't process.
Example : I have a folder -- delivery process. Most of files are well ok but one don't want to pass (the file name is ''"'). The video format and the codec is the same like the others ok files. So thiis file stay on folder monitor without any error message in FFASTRANS monitor status. Very weird isn't it? Of course I cleared history and retryI and I have never the same file name in monitor folder.
Anyway, I have a lot of test to do again but my workflows work pretty well :) I just have another file not ok in a watch folder to encode, 10 files send and all files ok except 1 which is nerver pass, strange again.
I will contact you again soon.
Thanks a lot and congratulations for this fabulous software!!!

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Re: Monitor folder error

Post by admin »

Thanks for your kind words! :-)

When monitoring files, FFAStrans don't care about its contents, only that it is able to open it. So if the file is ready to be opened, i.e. not locked ny other applications or/and not currently beeing written to, and actually has a file size, then FFAStrans should pick it up.

Can you try and rename it, copy it, delete it and put it back, just to try and make some changes that FFAStrans understand? Also, is the file on a network or local path?

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Re: Monitor folder error

Post by momocampo »

Hello Steinar,
I think I found where is the problem, my watch folder was on Avid Isis network and with this kind of network the system file is specific (not ntfs or exfat). Not sure but I don't see other way.
I switch my workflow since a nas and it seems work for all files now.

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Re: Monitor folder error

Post by crispyjones »

You should be able to run the Avid Isis Client Manager on the computer running FFAStrans, we used to do this with our flipfactory. That avid utility should let you mount the folder as either a mapped drive or UNC path. Once the utility successfully mounts the folder all the software on that computer will "see" it as a regular windows drive or share.
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Re: Monitor folder error

Post by momocampo »

I know how mount Avid Workspace but it seems work when you create a monitor folder from an Avid Workspace but doesn't completely. The most of files are well process by FFastrans but sometimes, some files are not process...I don't know why but it's real. The files began by "25" or "A" for example are blocked sometimes.
That's why I change all my monitor folder from Avid Workspace to NAS folder and since no problem at all.
Thanks ;)
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