
What’s new in version

Pure bug fix release.

Fixes include:

  • Fixed cruicial bug/crash when monitoring growing files.
  • Fix stills encoder bug when extracting single image.
  • Fix potential race condition bug when several nodes are parsing same media source.
  • Fixed rare API bug when submitting huge JSON bodies.
  • Fix a color scheme bug in manager when showing bypassed nodes.
  • Fix all running workflows restarting when stopping just one.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause FFAStrans to not clean up old jobs/logs.
  • Fixed some agressive enumration of history records.
  • + Several other minor fixes.

What’s new in version

Pure bug fix release.

Fixes include:

  • Fixed some illegal characters when parsing mac alias
  • Fix occational double registration of new monitored files
  • Fix loudness analyser not storing correct real peaks data
  • Fixed rare error that sometimes caused retried jobs to not start
  • Fix audio files getting double length when converting to video formats
  • Update BMX to include fix for wrongly flagged aspect ration on some MPEG-2 formats.
  • Fixed rare bug that sometimes cause FFAStrans to not continue with jobs containing priority splits.

What’s new in version

Pure bug fix release.

Fixes include:

  • Fixed SAR was not set when auto cropping IMX source in the A/V Decoder
  • Fixed Interlace analyze node reported bogus results
  • Fixed wrong progress on video analyze node
  • Fixed rare issue where priority branches did not end properly
  • Fixed issue that in some conditions caused a job queue to build up
  • Fixed A/V Decoder not properly decoding some broken MPEG2
  • Removed bogus 4:4:4 AVI option in the Uncompressed encoder node
  • Removed too strict variable check when submitting jobs via API


What’s new in version

Pure bug fix release ( –

Fixes include:

  • Fixed continously growing files being picked up too early
  • Fixed multiple hosts picking up the same growing file
  • Fixed loudness analyser not returning correct channel layout
  • Fixed error in priority splits
  • Fixed stills decoder having malformated color conversions.
  • Fixed rare crash on badly formated time code
  • Fixed a file locking anomalie
  • Fixed a handle leak in the queuer


What’s new in FFAStrans 1.4.0?

Finally, long overdue, a new version that does not only focus on fixes and improvements but a set of new nice long awaited features.

Changes include:

  • New core features:
    • Hosts group: Group hosts into different named groups and assign nodes or/and workflows to them
    • Job slots per node: Assign a higher number of job slots to a node in order to better “allocate” resources on the executing host
    • Cron scheduling support for monitors
  • New functions:
    • $dateweek(): Calculate week numbers
    • $timecalc(): Time calculator
    • $waccess(): For testing write access
    • $owner(): For getting owner of a file
    • $asplit(): Split/format array into a string
    • $ffconcat(): For creating a “ffconcat version 1.0” string
    • $shortcut(): For parsing Windows shortcuts and macOS alias files
  • New variables:
    • %i_v_precharge%: Get precharge value from MXF files
    • %s_options%: System variable for advanced altering of job behavior
    • %f_pix_aspect%: Pixel aspect ratio as float
    • %s_frame_rate%: Represent frame rate as num/denum string
  • New API method:
    • GET /jobvars/ for getting final value of user variables after job end
  • Improved processing speed, quality and color precicion for all encoders
  • Huge database I/O optimizations for thos with larger farms
  • Dolby E decoding in the “A/V Decoder” (Experimental)
  • “Forget missing files” are now supported by all applicable monitor nodes
  • Support the new frame properties in AviSynth+
  • Support Mac alias in the “Folder” monitor and improved Windows shortcut support
  • Improved support for encoding files with cover art
  • Properly support audio buffer files > 4GB in the “A/V Decoder”
  • Support reading stdout/err in command executor as unicode
  • Support XDCAM-EX 35 720p in the “XDCAM-HD” encoder
  • Support multiple selection in the status monitor
  • Inbuilt status monitor now shows history pages instead of one huge list
  • Improved “Color conversion” filter
  • Improved navigation in the status monitor using arrow keys
  • Improved up-time reliability
  • Native support for “ffconcat version 1.0” input sources
  • Native support for reading IMF files
  • Support writing 64 bit audio files in the “Extract audio” node
  • Support UTF-8 formated mail bodies in “Send E-Mail” node
  • Playlist support in “YouTube” decoder and save list to variable
  • Clear complete work cache dir from FFAStrans Manager
  • Support SinPowResize kernel in “Resize” filter
  • Improved automatic cleaning of log and work files
  • FFAStrans will now archive job logs and keep them for an extended period
  • Fix several long path issues in monitors and FTP delivery
  • Fix slow opening of long workflows
  • Fix comparing negative number not working in the “Conditional” node
  • Fix graphical artifact when moving too far out on a large workflow
  • Fix some number like strings being strictly regarded as number
  • + Lots other minor fixes and improvements


What’s new in version 1.3.1?

Bug fixes, improvements and minor features update.

Changes include:

  • Added 4:4:4 profile (XQ) to the ProResKS encoder.
  • Added “MXF (BMX)” wrapper option to the Panasonic P2 monitor.
  • Added option for removing farming settings when exporting workflows
  • Added PUT method for updating existing workflow through API
  • Added user option to read from STDERR and/or STDOUT in the “Command executor” node.
  • Improved general robustness when executing many jobs at the same time.
  • Reduced general priority on sub processes in order to not halt system.
  • Fixed some special case FTP monitor issue that caused files to not be downloaded properly.
  • Fixed framerate bug when encoding to BMX (MXF)
  • Fixed an issue where setting %s_source% to “” (nothing) resulted in some erratic behavior.
  • Fix some job retry issues.
  • Fix audio config crash in the DV encoder.
  • Fixed rare memory leak issue.
  • Fixed MOV bug in the DNxHD encoder
  • Fixed a problem with the A/V Media decoder created zero-length clips.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some image sequences to not be properly parsed
  • Fixed a problem where plugin processors GUI got stuck behind manager window.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Fade” filter ignored audio/video enable/disable
  • Fixed an issue that caused the “Custom FFmpeg” encoder to not work properly when using custom ffmpeg mapping.
  • Fixed an API issue where history was not always correctly returned.
  • Fixed an issue causing some AviSynth based video filters to not work properly on older CPUs
  • Fixed a flaw with priority connections in conjunction with executing on error.
  • ++ Several other minor improvements and fixes


What’s new in version

Pure bug fix release.

Changes include:

  • Fix progressive closed GOP encoding in the XDCAM-HD not working.
  • The “Video quality” node would sometimes return a bogus “inf000000” value.
  • The “Video quality” would fail if source or ref was IMX-D10 content.
  • The “%s_cache_record%” variable was not correctly populated.
  • Fix the “Sequence” monitor disregarding the “Recurse” setting.
  • The “Sequence” monitor would sometimes not work due to an invalid input option being set.
  • Two succeeding encodings on the same branch could fail if using the inbuilt encoders.
  • Fix minor issues with properly recognizing some pixel and color formats when processing.
  • The loudness table in “Audio extract” encoder gui did not set a value.
  • A few other minor edge case issues addressed.


What’s new in version

Pure bug fix release.

Changes include:

  • Fixed potential endless loop in “A/V Decoder” node.
  • The XDCAM-HD encoder would sometimes stop encoding on very complex content.
  • Fixed an issue where sources with yuvj420p pixel format would sometimes lead to failed encoding.
  • Fixed an issue that caused bad frame rate conversion on small fps difference between source and output.
  • Fixed an issue where host settings was not properly saved.
  • Fixed error message on multiple immediate retries from failed node..


What’s new in FFAStrans 1.3.0?

Finally a new version that does not only focus on fixes and improvements but has a lot of new nice features to present.

Changes include:

  • New workflow features:
    • Sub splits: This feature enables sub connected splits (brown) to always finish before the main splits (black).
    • Workflow connection: Enables you to forward a job to another workflow.
  • New functions:
    • $lookup() and $lookuprep() for table lookup and lookup replacement.
    • $sort() for sorting an array or a string.
    • $split() for splitting a string into an array.
    • $count() for counting occurrences of a string or single character.
    • $foreach() for dynamically executing operations on an array
    • $string() for formatting strings like printf in C.
    • $xxhash64() for 64 bit version of xxhash.
  • New node: “For each”: Will loop through an array of values and dynamically create a new split/branch for each index.
  • New variables:
    • %s_start_tc_alt% for alternative start TC taken from creation date of media.
    • %s_gamma% for gamma curve of media
    • %s_chroma_loc% for chroma location of media.
    • %i_gmt_bias% for the local GMT bias.
    • %s_version% for current running FFAStrans version.
    • %s_last_error% for retrieving last viable error message.
  • New API methods.
    • GET /workflows/status for getting current status
    • POST /workflows for importing FFAStrans exported workflows.
    • POST /presets for importing FFAStrans exported presets
    • POST /user_variables for importing FFAStrans exported user variables
    • GET /history now supports ?start and ?count for getting custom range
  • All encoders now support applying custom or inbuilt LUTs.
  • All encoders now support setting and converting full/limited video range.
  • Huge speed improvement when muxing to BMX MXF as FFAStrans no longer creates an intermediate file before remuxing.
  • Added search function in the variables selector.
  • Added free text search function for workflows and nodes.
  • The XAVC node now support class 300 and 480 in UHD.
  • The AVC-Intra node now support class 2K and 4K.
  • Added option to use user variables as framerate in “ProRes” and “DNxHR” encoder nodes.
  • Added user selectable quality tunings to the the “XDCAM-HD” node.
  • Added “Writing library” mode to the “ProRes” encoder node for improved compatibility in some scenarios.
  • Added HLG and PQ signaling to the “H.264” encoder.
  • Added option to save complete VMAF json to a variable in the “Video Quality” node.
  • Added access to the user variables from main manager menu.
  • Added user selectable zero padding to unique output file names in the delivery nodes.
  • The header section in “HTTP communicate” node now supports using variables.
  • The “%s_original_path~n%” variable now supports minus notation for retrieving path names from the right side.
  • The “%s_recursed_path%” variable now support the same notation type as %s_original_path~n% with %s_recursed_path~n%.
  • Added option to export job logs from inbuilt status monitor.
  • The “Hold” node now supports arrays as list of files.
  • Updated to use the new maintained yt-dlp instead of youtube-dl.
  • Changing a variables/static name now automatically updates all applicable workflows.
  • Expanded the $exists() function to support path recursing and returning a file list in array.
  • Added support for adding data to an existing array using the $jsonput() function.
  • Fixed issue where the “H.264” encoder produced corrupt MXF files.
  • Fixed various bit depth issues in the “H.264/5” encoders.
  • Fixed “Generic MPEG” was forced to 16:9 aspect.
  • + Lots of minor changes and improvements.


What’s new in version

Pure bug fix release.

Changes include:

  • Growing files functionality was broken.
  • Running workflows without any nodes would crash.
  • Time stamps had the wrong notation when GMT was +00.00
  • Fixed rare crash with inbuilt status monitor when applying action to a finished job.
  • First time initialization of user variables would sometimes crash.
  • Loudness input field did not always parse variables correct.
  • Fix rare bug that could cause status monitors to miss data.
  • Fix wrongfully hardcoded 16/9 aspect in the generic MPEG encoder.
  • The API url /workflows/<wf_id>/user_variables did not always produce correct reply.
  • The API url /tickets url could in some cases return an invalid json.